#152: New collab food product LAUNCHED with Morlife! Hear all…


In this podcast episode, I'm filling you in on a SUPER EXCITING new food product that I have just launched in collaboration with Morlife, a brand that I've been partnered with for over 6 years. 

I've been eating them SO MUCH, mainly for breakfast and sometimes lunch...

It's made in minutes and I know you guys will love them as much as I do!

I will talk you through:

  • When to eat them

  • If they will suit your lifestyle / dietary preferences

  • How they will assist in your weight loss journey

  • Why I love Morlife

  • What other Morlife products I regularly consume

  • The benefits inside the mug cakes and who they will suit

  • If they will affect your bloating?

  • Creative ways to eat them / what to top them with!



Head to the Morlife website to shop now: Click here (enter code healthwithbec for 15% off)

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Super exciting announcement today -I have just launched a new product in collaboration with Morlife that I have been working with them on behind the scenes …

You might've already seen it on Instagram, but it's very exciting. It's the first food product that I've done in collaboration with them, so it's my branding and my name on there. I helped them with what to put inside, in terms of the ingredients and to make sure that it was all in alignment with my principles and my macros. The product that we have launched is Mug Cakes (as in the mugs that you use to drink coffee and tea).

Now, this is super exciting because I already have recipes like this that you can make yourself. There's one on my website called the One Minute Vanilla Berry Pudding and it's super quick and easy and it makes you feel like you're eating something extremely indulgent because it's a pudding. I love having it with yogurt and berries. It's not indulgent but it feels indulgent. It's so good for you because it's sugar-free, it's high in protein and it's dairy-free (if you have it with coconut yogurt), so it's good for people with dairy sensitivities. It's low carb - it literally ticks all the boxes so that you can feel like you're eating cake and enjoying yourself whilst losing weight, remaining weight or optimising your health. It means that you can eat something sweet whilst eating something really healthy.

That's been one of my biggest secrets to helping people lose and maintain weight. It's really about helping people still enjoy life and enjoy every single meal. For instance, for those that love sweets, if you just tell them to completely give that up, it's going to be really hard to stick to. When you can have cake for breakfast or a snack a few times a week (or more than a few times a week sometimes, I have Mug Cakes every second day to be honest and you can too), and it's still fine in calories, high in protein, it's not going to spike your blood sugar levels and it's going to support your weight loss goals, that's what helps women really stick to their plans and achieve their goals because they don't feel like they're missing out.

I'm all about helping you figure out tasty, incredible ways to eat really healthy food whilst feeling like you're indulging and feeling full the whole time. I love giving you yummy, easy meals to eat, but also I'm very focused on the foods that are going to keep you the fullest for the longest as well because as a lot of you would know, when you have to cut your calories to lose weight, one of the biggest things that makes people fail is how hungry they feel all the time. 

Every single meal that I create, I use certain principles to really ensure that it keeps you full and that the portions are large too, so that you don't feel that hanger, get irritable and find it really hard to stay on track with your goals. It makes it so much easier when you're eating filling, yummy food.  

So I've been eating that Mug Cake (that's on my website) for years now and it's also featured in the 3 Week Body Reset, and then when women join the Health With Bec Tribe, (which is step 2 after the 3 Week Body Reset), we have different Mug Cake recipes coming out all the time. There's also 1 or 2 in my Eat Cake Lose Weight eBook and so many of the women that follow me have tried the recipe on my website. So many of the women that are on my programs have tried the ones in my programs too and you guys love them, like you really love them!

I'll tell you a bit about Morlife … 

The reason I've done it with Morlife is because yes, you can make it yourself (and you can still absolutely make them yourselves), it's still very easy to do but I know how busy so many of us are (me included) and I don't like making mess in the kitchen. I don't like wasting time in the kitchen. I like food to be as easy as possible. 

I wanted to do this with Morlife because -
1. I know that you guys love eating these Mug Cakes
2. I know how busy you are

If you are someone that gets excited by the idea of not making any mess in your kitchen, not having to get the almond meal out, the baking powder out, the protein etc. I know it's still a very easy recipe, but it makes it easier because what this means is all you need to do is get the bag out (it's a pre-mix with very similar ingredients to what's in my recipes) but it's all in the one bag for you scoop a ⅓ of a cup out, chuck it in a mug and then you add either 1x tbsp of coconut oil or 1x egg.

I like to use an egg white because sometimes when you add the yolk to it, it makes it taste a bit eggy, but that's totally up to you. So you can use coconut oil or eggs, which means that women who are sensitive to eggs and can't tolerate eggs - these are good for you too because you can use coconut oil instead. So it's going to suit people that are gluten-free, egg-free and dairy-free. 

Okay, I'm getting off track here, but I'm super excited …

So you add the dry mix into the mug, an egg (or coconut oil) and water and then you just stir it all together and chuck it in the microwave for about 90 seconds.

Obviously the ingredients are on the packet (if you guys are going to buy it) but that's how easy it is and then you just get it out of the microwave. I always serve mine with berries and coconut yogurt, sometimes greek yogurt (if you're sensitive to dairy, opt for coconut yogurt). If you don't have an issue with dairy, have greek yogurt and that's it. It is a very filling meal that you can have for breakfast, brunch, sometimes even lunch occasionally (I did that today) or a larger snack or dessert. 

Now I'm going to tell you guys a bit about Morlife, why I partnered with them and why I love them so much and then I will talk about how you can get it and what you can do with them because there's a few different flavours as well. 

Morlife is a company in Queensland who produce a whole range of different products. The one that I have been using every single week for at least 6 years now is their protein powder. It's called their Plantiful Protein Powder and that is what I use to create my own Mug Cakes when I'm making them myself or pancakes or quite often I will have it just stirred in with yogurt and berries and maybe some nuts. I then make some chia seeds and that's what the Berry Breakfast Bowl recipe is inside the 3 Week Body Reset.

So I use it in lots of different ways to create high protein, clean, sugar-free, gluten-free sweets that are super healthy and keep me full without eating sweets, so it's just such a great thing to have and that's what I've been obsessed with. 

I love the Vanilla flavor and that's what I have the most. I also get the chocolate too - they're both incredible, but I also use their greens powder, I use their collagen, I love their gut restore and I love a sleep drink that they've got, which I have most nights. So they've got a whole range of powders and supplements as well.

You can see everything on their website, which is morlife.com and there's actually a section on their website called Health with Bec. You'll see it on the homepage where they've compiled all of my favourite products and the things that I take regularly, so you can just see what I have if you're interested in their other products too. With all the other products, I've got a code for you too which is ‘healthwithbec’, which makes it super easy at checkout to get 15% off. 

I've been partnered with them in this way because I believe in their brand and their products so much. They are so tasty, so clean and so good for you and it's really hard to find products like that on the market. Having the 15% off is such a great thing to offer you as well. 

I've been a long-term partner of theirs and so they really saw how loyal I've been with them and how many of you are buying from them and they said - “Hey, how about we create a product together?”, so this is what we've decided to do. The Mug Cakes on their website as well. The 15% off doesn't work for the Mug Cakes but it will work for everything else. 

If you haven't tried their protein powders yet, I highly recommend that you do. So many women have because there is protein powder in my programs. It's not compulsory but it does help you make some very exciting recipes that are inside the 3 Week Body Reset and the Health with Bec Tribe. It's backed up by so many other women loving it too and I really hope that you guys love these new Mug Cakes that we've launched.

I'm obsessed. I love how it's all my branding and they taste insane. 

So there are 3 flavors that we've released and we might be releasing more depending on how they go, there is - White Chocolate (which is probably my favourite because white chocolate is my favourite thing). There is also Chocolate, which if you're a chocolate lover which tastes like a really rich chocolate pudding and then there is Lemon, which is beautiful too. They're all so good. I know I've just said that my favourite is White Chocolate, but honestly, all of them are incredible, so I would recommend buying all 3, if you want and giving it a try.

I love topping them with a huge heaped tablespoon or two of coconut (or greek yogurt) and at least ½ a cup of berries. I always keep berries in my freezer (blueberries, raspberries or mixed berries) and then I will get roughly ½ a cup to 1 cup, defrost them in the microwave, pour them over the pudding once it's done with some yogurt and it is honestly such an indulgent taste sensation.  

I'm now going to talk you through some of the other benefits - 

I've already talked about how it's high-protein - that is one of the biggest things that is going to keep you full and as I said earlier, I love helping to keep you full because when you're eating something that keeps you full, it's going to help you snack less throughout the day, eat less throughout the day and make it far easier to not overeat, pick on things and far easier to stay in that calorie deficit (if your goal is weight loss). So it is high in protein with a massive 27 grams of protein. 

They're also low carb, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian (they're vegan if you don't use an egg to cook it, so if you use coconut oil instead of an egg) and their pregnancy and breastfeeding friendly. 

They're going to help so many of you because so many of you are going to be able to eat them.

The only thing that I want to mention is that if anyone has bloating issues and that FODMAPS cause you concern, there is fava bean protein in these Mug Cakes. A quick note on that though - I said FODMAP concerns because there is quite a bit of misdiagnosis with FODMAP issues and bloating out there. 

So many women go to doctors (this happened to me in the past as well), say they've got IBS and bloating and it's almost the blanket statement that a lot of doctors (not all doctors) prescribe. It's very easily prescribed to follow a low FODMAP diet but that really isn't the case for everyone. 

For me, removing gluten, most dairy and limiting eggs (my food sensitivities) were causing my bloating concerns when I was healing my gut issues. FODMAPs have never been an issue for me (and I had chronic gut issues in the past) and for so many women that do my programs because my program is gluten-free, very low in dairy and sugar free. They are the most common food sensitivities that I've seen in lots of women with bloating concerns. 

When women reduce wheat, gluten and dairy out of their diet (sugar is inflammatory too), their gut issues have been eradicated and healed and their bloating concerns are gone, even if they thought they had an issue with FODMAPs. I just wanted to say that, but if you definitely know that you do have an issue with FODMAPs, they could cause bloating because of the fava protein, otherwise they will suit many of you. 

You know from so many of my other podcasts that I do recommend eating high protein meals, so these have 27 grams per serve. It's a whopping amount. I always tell women to aim to eat at least 20 to 40 grams of protein in each main meal to make sure that they’re hitting your protein needs to keep you super full. This is a very tasty, easy and enjoyable way to get a massive hit of protein at breakfast time when it's otherwise sometimes hard to eat high protein meals at that time, unless you love eggs. It's such a yummy way to bump your protein up for the day and stay really full whilst eating cake, so it's great. 

So with the 3 different flavours - 

Which one do I love the most? I honestly love them all but my personal preference is White Chocolate, followed by Lemon, followed by Chocolate. Since I've been a kid, I’ve always loved Vanilla and White Chocolate over Milk Chocolate. If you're more of a Chocolate person, you might completely disagree with me and love chocolate but that's my favourite. 

With all of 3 flavours, I'm quite basic in my toppings. I just love yogurt and berries. So you can use coconut yogurt (or a natural greek yogurt depending on how sensitive you are to dairy and if you can tolerate it), but coconut yogurt or greek yogurt and then I always keep frozen berries in my freezer and that's what I top them with, just yogurt and berries.

With the Lemon one, it's beautiful to add yogurt and some lemon rind, that's really nice. 

If you're thinking about berries and which one to choose - I really love having the White Chocolate with raspberries and I like having the Lemon with blueberries, but that's just me getting into the nitty gritty there. You can have mixed berries or you can alternate, but that's my preference. With the Chocolate, I like raspberries or mixed berries, but you can play around with the toppings.

You can also add some cacao nibs to the Chocolate to make it even more chocolatey, or you could shave some 85% dark chocolate over the top. 85 to 90% dark chocolate is a very healthy option to top on your Mug Cakes as well to make it even more indulgent. So, add a few tablespoons of yogurt and then you could shave over some dark chocolate or cacao nibs. Then, maybe even add a drizzle of almond butter or any other nut butter or some sprinkled nuts. It's going to add more calories but that's just another way that you can add more to your Mug Cake to make it a really indulgent meal.

I'm just really excited for you guys to get your hands on them and I can't wait to see you guys make them. You can find these over on the morlife.com homepage. You'll see Health with Bec Mug Cakes and you can also see everything else that I recommend there as well. You can also get 15% off with the code ‘healthwithbec’ at checkout. I really hope you love these Mug Cakes just as much as I do.


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