#167: The Key to Progress: How Self-Reflection Fuels Weight Loss and Life Goals


In today’s episode, I felt like I had to continue on with the theme of last weeks to help you even more. I'm diving into a topic that’s been incredibly important in my own life—deep reflection and how it can help you achieve your goals, whether it’s weight loss, fitness, or any other area. I’m sharing my personal journey and how constantly reflecting on my happiness and tweaking my approach has led me to overcome challenges in both my business and health journey. I hope my experiences will help you do the same!

What You'll Learn:

  • Reflecting and Tweaking for Success: Over the years, I’ve learned that taking time to reflect has been key to finding success in my health and business. In this episode, I’m walking you through how you can regularly assess your life and make small changes to keep progressing.

  • The Power of Being "Selfishly Reflective": To show up fully for others and achieve your own goals, you need to carve out time for yourself. I’m sharing how I prioritize "me-time" and how this has not only improved my business but also my mental and physical health. Being selfish with your time is not a bad thing—it's essential!

  • Breaking Down the Process: When I reflect, I focus on two key areas:

    1. Happiness and Energy: I talk about the importance of optimizing your daily routines to make sure you’re feeling your best, because when you feel good, everything else becomes easier.

    2. Problem-Solving: Life isn’t without its roadblocks, and we all have moments where things don’t go to plan. I explain how I constantly search for solutions and tweak my approach when something isn’t working.

  • Self-Awareness and Goal Achievement: One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the power of self-awareness in staying on track. Whether it’s your weight loss journey or another life goal, regular reflection is crucial. I share how I make lists to reflect on what makes me happy and what's holding me back. From there, I test new strategies, learn from mistakes, and continue moving forward.

  • Practical Tips for Deep Reflection and Success:

    1. Make time for regular reflection—whether it’s an hour daily or a half-day on the weekend.

    2. Prioritize the habits that make you feel happy and grounded, like exercise, spending time in nature, and connecting with loved ones.

    3. If you’re stuck, don’t be afraid to try something new—whether that’s tweaking your diet, speaking to a professional, or reaching out to your support network.

    4. Always remember your "why" and remind yourself of the bigger picture behind your goals.

Final Thoughts: If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that consistent reflection and a willingness to try new things is essential to achieving big goals. Be kind to yourself, focus on your happiness, and remember—small steps add up over time. Success doesn’t happen overnight, but with the right mindset and a reflective approach, anything is possible!

00:00 Intro

01:27 The Theme Of This Episode, Including The Woman That Needs To Hear it  

02:40 My Personal Experience With The Strategies I Recommend 

05:30 The Importance of Deep Reflection 

06:40 How To Practice Deep Reflection 

08:12 Why Being Selfish Matters 

10:50 My Happiness List 

15:00 Be The Detective Of Your Own Life 

18:00 Quick Summary Of The Start Of This Episode

18:55 How Do You Become The Detective Of Your Own Life 

20:58 Understanding Your Why 

22:10 How I’ve Been Implementing These Strategies Recently In My Life

28:50 The Biggest Breakthroughs Often Happen After This …

30:20 The Why Behind Body Bites With Bec

32:20 The Importance Of Knowing Your Why 

33:40 Why Being “Selfish” Is Actually A Good Thing

40:10 Using Reflection To Become Unstuck

41:00 Episode Wrap Up & Motivational Pep Talk 


Episode 13: Why Motivation is NOT What You’re Looking For. It’s This... click here

Download my FREE eBook with 4 15 minute meals: click here

Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body  Reset 

Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe 

Explore my recipe eBooks: Click here! 

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Read This Episode:

Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Body Bites with Bec. I'm actually recording this on the morning of the release. I recorded it yesterday and the first half of it didn't work when I went to upload it this morning. The sound wasn't working, so I'm doing it again, hopefully it's going to be better than yesterday! That is what I'm telling myself … 

This podcast today is for those women who really feel like they're wanting to achieve big things, wanting to lose heaps of weight, maybe increase their fitness, reach their health goals, but it's also for anyone that is trying to reach any other goal in life too, but I will mainly be honing in on the weight loss side of things because of course that's what this podcast is really about, but with everything I do, you can really apply a lot of what I talk about to every other area in your life as well, in terms of whatever goal you're trying to reach.

So I am extending on from my chat a bit last week and keeping it on the mindset side of things because that's truly the most important thing to master if you're trying to reach your weight loss goals or any other goal and I got inspired for this episode from how I've been personally feeling in the last couple of weeks and how that's made me do exactly what I'm going to be telling you and recommending you to do in this podcast. 

So that is becoming obsessed with reflecting and tweaking your own life. So in the last couple of weeks, I've felt a little bit anxious and off and it's a feeling that I rarely get in my life, but it's been since I've been back from my holiday and I've just felt a bit scattered and anxious and overwhelmed and I've got these feelings of doubt that have come up and imposter syndrome and it's been a really strange feeling for me to feel because of course, I feel that from time to time, but it's been a couple of weeks of it and it's definitely feeling better this week and because it's starting to feel better, I want to share what I've done to help me get out of that feeling and the practice that I do in my own life daily, if not weekly and I've been doing this for years now.

I did this when I was finding my own balance to heal my gut issues in my late teens to early twenties, which took me about five to six years to do and find the answers and figure out what works for me and I've continued to do it even more when I decided to then use what I've found and use the approach that really healed my gut and helped me break free from the toxic yo-yo dieting cycle that I was in. I've been using what I've learned to then start this business eight years ago and to grow a business. It's been even more important for me to do this deep reflection and I'm going to be really getting into that in the podcast today. 

Now, the first thing I want to say is to welcome any new listeners and welcome you to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here and I want to just say HI to everyone else that are regular listeners too. I am so proud of you already because you are doing exactly one of the things that I am about to share in this podcast and that is listening to podcasts. You are really committing to bettering yourself by listening to this podcast, so well done for doing that and thank you for being here. I really hope that this episode helps you today, because honestly, if there's one thing that I could tell women to do in their lives, as they are trying to change their eating habits and optimize their health and lose weight or grow a career, it is the thing that I'm going to be talking about today. 

So what do I mean by deep reflection? Basically, we all have the ability to do what we want in our lives. We all have the ability to achieve what we want and to reach that goal, but it isn't easy, right? I talk about this all the time. Doing those steps that you need to take to get you there consistently every day is quite challenging, because it's so much easier to just lay on the couch and watch Netflix or give in to that sugar because it makes you feel so good at the time. Choosing healthy options, making the time to cook healthier food, getting yourself to the gym, sitting down to do the work task that you don't want to do, they don't feel easy at the time. They don't feel that enjoyable, but we all know that we have to do the things that we don't really enjoy, if we want to see a good outcome in the future and to get there, that takes constant deep reflection. I’m going to break this down into two areas - 

I like to personally reflect always on my happiness and my energy and the way that I'm feeling so that I can optimize that as much as I can every day and the second part of it is constantly searching for answers and trying new things. When I'm not seeing results in a certain area, or I feel like I go a bit backwards or I make a mistake, then I'm constantly looking for solutions to help that so that I can keep going. As an example, when I was trying to find the answers to my chronic gut issues when I was younger, before I started this business, I was studying a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, but on top of that, I was bingeing podcasts, I was visiting different doctors, I was searching so much online, and there wasn't just one approach that I may have found and followed for a week or two and thought to myself - yes, this is it. This has saved me! 

It took me trying different things week after week and going - okay, this has made me feel better, this hasn't, I'm going to continue to do the things that make me feel better and I'm going to tweak and change the things that aren't working and the more I did that, the more I got closer to finding the answers with my health and that is why I'm so passionate about sharing my learnings and my approach with the world and that's what helped me grow my business. 

So the first part of it though is I truly believe, and I'll be getting into lots of action steps at the end of this podcast, so don't worry about taking notes or anything, but what I've really learned from growing my business for eight years and growing it to a point that is far bigger than I ever dreamed and what I learned through finding my own balance with my health, I had to become extremely selfish, now bear with me …

I'm not a selfish person. I love helping people, that's what I do for a living. I'm such an empath and it makes me so happy to help other people, but in order to do that, I need to become very selfish with my own time and have so many moments to reflect and to do this, I need to ensure that I have a certain amount of time by myself every day and every week.

So for me, it looks like an hour of exercise or half a day on the weekend, just blank space in my calendar where I can truly reflect and think of the things that I need to change and think of the things that I need to keep that are making me feel good in my life, because let's start with the things that make you feel good and why it's so important to be selfish and do the things that make you feel good as much as you possibly can. 

So going back to what I said about it being quite challenging to do the steps that you need to do every day and to feel motivated with them to reach your goals. It's so much easier when you feel energised and when you feel motivated and when you feel happy in your life. So what I did as a bit of a start to getting more serious about this practice is I hit a bit of a roadblock in my fourth year of business when I was overworked. I developed insomnia. I didn't have any staff yet. I was just working far too many hours. I was trying to build the 3 Week Body Reset all by myself, while seeing one on one clients at the same time and  I just felt really down, really overwhelmed, I wasn't sleeping and felt quite depressed to be honest.

That went on for a couple of months, and then it got to a point where I was like, Bec this has to stop! You have to make a change. You're not going to achieve your goals if you feel like this, because every day felt really hard to work. Every day felt much harder to get to the gym because I was exhausted and I was feeling low. 

So what I did was I sat down and I made a list of all of the things that make me feel grounded and happy and less overwhelmed in my life and I committed to doing all of those things as many as those things as I possibly could every day and I put those things before work, not “before” work, but I took away a couple of hours of work to make time for these things that made me feel happy and the more I started to practice this, the more I saw my business grow over the years and so it made me addicted to putting myself first as much as I could and carving out the time. I'll run through a few of the things that I do, but the quality of my work got so much better. It was so much easier for me to be creative. It was easier for me to sit down and do the things I needed to do. It was so much easier also to do regular morning exercise, to cook healthy meals and to stay on track with my health. 

For me, these things were talking to the right friends regularly. It took me a while to work out who my true friends were. They're the same friends that I've had for years, but as in to narrow down the very best couple of friends that I love talking to on the phone that I finish the conversation, whether it's on the phone or the catch up, feeling really good about myself, feeling energised, feeling supported and feeling happy and there's two best friends in particular that make me feel that way. There's so many other friends as well, we only have time in our life to really regularly talk to a couple, I think. So I really nurture a couple of my best friends who are literally just like my family and they make me really happy. I realised that talking to them really helps in my day, especially being a solo entrepreneur where it feels lonely. So, I like to have a phone call or catch up with them, either one of them, everyday or every second day, just as much as I can. 

I realised that I love getting sunshine on my skin and being in nature and doing walks outdoors. Obviously, exercise makes me feel really good. What else? Playing upbeat music in the morning. I wrote that down and I try to do that most days and also for me, I really need a whole Sunday to find my balance and feel happy. I need the whole Sunday of just having no plans. Being by myself, doing super relaxing things like watching Netflix and I started to make this list of all the things that make me feel balanced and happy and I committed to them. I make that a priority before all of the steps that I need to take to reach my goals and the more I prioritise that, the quicker I started to see my business grow and the better I started to feel. 

Now, that was a great thing to do at the time because I hit rock bottom and I needed to stop and reflect and do that, then any kind of time since then that I've started to feel a bit out of whack, a bit sad, a bit overwhelmed, a bit anxious, I go through that list and the list is in my head now after looking at it for a while, but I go through that list and I say to myself … First of all, am I missing something from that happiness list? Have I been neglecting something? Have I not talked to my best friends lately? Another thing with me was quality time with my family. Have I not spent quality time with my family? Have I not been having enough time alone or have I not been doing my daily exercise, which actually doesn't often happen because it's turned into such a habit now that I do it anyway? 

But I go back to my drawing board and I think - okay, first of all what has been lacking in terms of the happiness list, the happiness bucket in my life? When that is lacking, it can make it so much harder. It just makes it so much harder to feel motivated to do the things that you need to do when you're trying to achieve your goals and the second part of it is - 

When you are trying your hardest to push forward and achieve your health goals, achieve your career goals, lose weight etc., it's also really important to know that you need to be the detective of your own life. You have got the ability to do whatever you want in your life, but you are always going to hit roadblocks and things are going to feel tricky and you might do things for a certain period of time and not see any results, but that is not a time for you to give up.

That is a time for you to think - okay, what hasn't been working from what I've been doing? Your life and your results are a consequence of all the things that you've been doing in the past that lead up to this moment. So what have you been doing that isn't serving you and how can you try a new approach next week or tomorrow to see if that helps? 

This can take time and it does take time, but for instance with my eating approach that I found for myself and I'm teaching thousands of women around the world now, I have put it all together so that there's a framework for women to follow so that they can lose weight without the hunger, fix their bloating issues, improve their gut health and quit the yo-yo dieting and find total food freedom. I help them find it a lot faster. I personally found it because I put all of my learnings together, but is that to say that it is a step by step framework that is going to work for every single person? No way. That is why I've got the 3 Week Body Reset, which is Step 1. to see if this approach works for people and if they enjoy it and if they feel good. If they do, then I encourage women to join my Health with Bec Tribe because the whole point of the Health with Bec Tribe is to use my approach, but tweak things each week. 

So they'll try the meal plan, for instance, and they'll try eating at a certain amount of calories, and then they'll see if that worked. If it didn't, okay, how can I try something new next week? I didn't see weight loss results. Maybe I should decrease my calories a bit more or increase my calories a bit more? If I felt hungry last week and I couldn't stick to the plan, why? There are multiple different things that can affect a  woman's ability to lose weight because we all have different lifestyles, different habits, different metabolisms, different hormones and that's exactly why I've got this podcast. I never really run out of things to say, because there are so many different factors that help or hinder women's weight loss results and I encourage women in there all the time to reflect, every week on a Friday. I give women a PDF to fill out to start this reflection practice because without reflection and without looking at what isn't working and trying new things, everyone would stay stuck. 

Two parts to what I've said so far, there's this big part when you're trying to achieve your goals that requires you to really tune into what makes you feel happiness and peace in your life, because it's only going to make the hard things easier to do, and it's only going to make your motivation increase and the second part of it is to really reflect on what isn't working and how you can try a new approach, right? 

So there's things to do all the time. Maybe you need to go get your bloods checked? Maybe you haven't done that in a while. Maybe you need to get a third or a fourth opinion from a doctor if they're giving you advice and you're trying things and it's not working? There are things that you can constantly do all the time, but the people that get results and move forward are the people that understand this and keep being their own detective and trying new things, but how do you do this? 

The most important thing really is to become selfish in your life. Now bear with me, the more selfish you become in terms of really reflecting on your life and making changes and prioritizing that, the more likely you will achieve your goals and also not only that, this is what helps me every day be selfish with doing the things that make me happy and taking the time to reflect and taking that time alone to reflect and changing my life. The thing that helps me do that is that I've only seen my goals be reached, the more I do this and then I've only seen myself show up better for work, show up better for my team, be happier in my relationships, and I'm a better person. 

So the more I improve my own life, the better everything else gets and I've reached big goals in my life. It's really helped. I truly believe for this, you have got to be selfish in the way that you not only start to become obsessed with trying new things and focusing on your own happiness, but in order to do that, you need to carve out time for yourself. Time alone. 

When you are just filling your days, you're busy all the time, you're focusing far too much on work and then you're getting home and you're feeding the kids, doing housework and you do it all and you don't get any time to have a break for just you, then it's hard to do this. You need to find that time to reflect and take time for yourself. Maybe it's that hour in the morning when you're exercising or an hour that you choose to go for a walk through the day or half an hour at nighttime when you're laying in the bath or maybe it's like me, where I need that whole Sunday free to myself so I can really reflect. You need to carve out that time in your days and in your weeks to have those moments where you can do this reflection with yourself. 

Another thing that's important is figuring out your why, because it's so easy to stay stuck and not feel like you're seeing progress if you don't have a really big why and fuel behind why you want to achieve this certain goal. Now to help you find this why, this is such an important practice. It's so effective. I've got an episode that helps you with this - Episode #13: Why Motivation is NOT What You're Looking For. It's This...

Really becoming clear on your why helps you stay motivated as well and it helps you want to reflect and have these moments where you're like, okay, how can I make my life happier? Am I doing those things that make me happy every day? How can I continue to see results if I've hit a roadblock, if something isn't working or if I'm feeling a certain way. So when you know your why, it really helps you propel forward and stay motivated to do this reflection and constantly make these changes that we all need to make in our lives to find our own balance and to propel forward and reach our goals. 

So let's go back to me feeling anxious and then starting to get myself out of that. I also want to go into the how … how do you work out what makes you happy in your life? How do you work out the solutions so that you can try something new and you're feeling stuck? Let's go back to my example of how I've been feeling. So I started to feel anxious and a bit funny in the last couple of weeks. I definitely went back to the drawing board of my happiness and I went, okay, what have I been lacking?  I realized the first thing I need to do is I haven't really spoken to my best friend Georgia for a while, in about four days and I also haven't talked to my like-minded business friends and like-minded friends who are trying to achieve similar goals to you or who understand the struggles are key to talk to. This is exactly why the Health with Bec Tribe is so effective as well, because they're all like minded women trying to achieve the same goals with their health. So, they can all share what they're struggling with and get tips and advice with things to try. 

So whenever I feel a bit off, I really become open with how I'm feeling and share it with my best friends and I share it with my business friends as well. The one thing that makes me feel better is just the support and normalising it, because when you start talking about things, people tell you about their experience and also how that's just normal and how it will pass and it absolutely does sometimes, but not only that, they can give you little solutions as well. So that's one thing that has helped make me feel better. 

The other thing I do is I'm like - okay if I'm feeling this way and I can't really figure out the exact solution, I need to start listening to podcasts that talk about this certain topic to help me learn as well, because they might give me an idea too. Sometimes you get through a podcast and you're like, that didn't really help me, but then listen to another one, right? There's so many amazing podcasts out there and I guess that's why I'm so motivated to do this for you because podcasts have helped me so much all throughout my business journey all throughout my health journey as I was trying to find my balance, like I would binge podcasts and get so many ideas from them and they would always help me get unstuck and try new things and I swear I attribute podcasts to so much of my growth and helping me get unstuck from certain areas of my life.

You can also research things online of course you can book in with a professional whether that's a Psychologist, or if you're trying to improve your health, booking in with a Doctor or a Nutritionist or a Naturopath, there's so many people that can help you find new solutions.

For me, I had those chats with my friends. I had those chats with my business friends and I also listened to a couple of podcasts. I love the Mel Robbins Podcast. She does lots of podcasts about optimising your motivation and your life so that you can reach your goals and from all of that, I found for me that my solution was - I've got these big work tasks that I'm doing and I needed to just put them into more of a plan, rather than just trying to just do all these things every day and not having a plan. 

I'm very used to making a to-do list the night before so that I wake up and then I can know what I'm doing and then at the end of the day, I refine that and think - okay, what didn't I get done? What can I do tomorrow? I think the three week holiday got me out of the habit of planning and put me behind a bit with some of my work because I didn't work as much over there. I took a bit of a break and I think I was overwhelmed and really anxious and feeling just a bit down and lost because I don't think I'd planned enough especially with this app that I'm working on. 

There's so much to do and that was causing me anxiety, so I took an entire half a day off work yesterday to simply plan. So for example, the app that I'm building and everything that still needs to be done before that can be launched. I broke just one of those tasks down because there's so much to do, but I broke one of the big tasks that I need to do in the app building side of things down in my calendar to really put dates on certain things I need to do.

So I broke a big task down into lots of small tasks that will get me there and I put it in the calendar on certain days and after doing that, it made me feel so much better. I also did that for podcast episodes. I started to plan a bit more and I spent the whole half a day planning and now the next day I've woken up and I feel so much less anxious. So I think that is definitely one of my solutions personally. 

Now I'm sharing this as an example of when you hit a roadblock and what you can do to get yourself out of that. So as you can see, I went back to my drawing board of happiness and things that make me feel good. What helps me feel good in my life? Those were two of the things that I haven't really been doing enough of speaking to my like-minded business friends, speaking to my best friends and that really helped. Then the thing that helped me find even more solutions was starting to listen to a few podcasts and then doing the planning and then it actually helped.

Now, what if I did the planning, but I still felt anxious? Then, I would keep researching and I would keep trying new things. I wouldn't give up. I wouldn't want to keep feeling this way without finding solutions. If it does continue, if it pops back again and it keeps continuing, then it might be time for me to book in with a Psychologist or get a Business Coach. I don't know, but the point of this is just to encourage you to keep trying new things all the time and to do this, you need that time to reflect. 

You need that mental space and that alone time to actually learn how to become a detective in your own life so that you can work out what is going wrong and we can all do this, but taking that time alone, sometimes you need to put other tasks off to get it, like what I did yesterday with my planning, I put other work off. Doing that is truly what is going to help you find your answers so that you can keep moving forward and achieving your goals. 

Now, before I get into more sort of action steps for you, one thing that I want to say as well is the biggest breakthroughs in your life often happen after this feeling. If you feel like you're stuck in a rut and you're  not getting where you want to be and you're feeling low and you don't know why and you are desperate for other solutions, this is actually the best time. So, if you're feeling like that, it's a good thing because the biggest breakthroughs come after this because they force you, if you're willing to do it and you're willing to do the things that I'm saying in this episode, they force you to find more solutions. 

They force you to try new things because clearly something isn't working. For instance, when I look back and my gut health was so bad and I was in so much pain, I was so fueled to find the answers for myself and then I finally found them, but it took time. Whenever I've hit roadblocks in business where I feel overwhelmed or the business isn't growing and I need to try something new. I have tried something new and I've changed things up and then I've seen growth as a result of it. So the biggest breakthroughs often come after these really challenging times that we're feeling. So if you're feeling like that now, it is a good thing and you can use that fuel to do what I'm saying in this podcast to help change your life so that you can keep propelling forward and finding your own answers to your weight loss or any other goal in life.

I hope you're starting to get the gist of this podcast, which is that I'm really trying to encourage you to become obsessed with yourself and reflecting so that you can optimise your life and continue to do things that propel you forward in your goals. 

I encourage women in the Health with Bec Tribe and in the 3 Week Body Reset at the end of the week on a Friday, but you can truly do this at any time, and you can do this every single day when you're trying to reach your weight loss goals. There are so many things that you can try. We are all so different and I hope you understand from the amount of mindset episodes that I do - mindset is key. 

So, how can you get your mindset in the right place? How can you optimise that more? How many calories do you need to eat? You might try eating 1400 calories for a couple of weeks and then that doesn't work, so then you might try something else. Maybe you need to drop them a bit lower or increase them a bit and then, you're still not losing weight, so what can I do next? What's my exercise doing? I might need to start adding more weight … So there are so many things that we can do to help ourselves every single week and every single day to really figure out what works for us and how to tweak our life to make it easier or how to tweak our life to change things in a way that's going to work for us and not against us. 

The thing that we need to do the most, and I'm about to get into more action steps, but the biggest thing that I need to encourage you to always do is actually become very selfish and hear me out here. You need to become obsessed with your own life, with your own happiness, with your own goals and with your own needs. 

The first thing that I want to say is you need to become very clear on your why. So if you want to lose weight, why is that? Is it really just because you want to lose weight or is it because you want to run around with your kids and have more energy for them and to live longer for them? There's so many different why's behind why we want to do what we do. 

So if I ever feel a bit stuck in business, I always remember my bigger why and my why is that I love my job and changing people's lives for the better and I want to impact as many lives as I possibly can and so I need to always remind myself of that. One thing that I do is I read through the amazing reviews that come through on Google. I read through the amazing posts in the Tribe, which is my membership after the 3 Week Body Reset every day to really remind me why I'm doing what I'm doing when I'm seeing these incredible results come from people. 

So the first thing to get clear on is your bigger why do you want to achieve what you're trying to do and to help you figure that out, I've got a really good podcast episode that I would definitely recommend - Episode #13: Why Motivation is NOT What You're Looking For. It's This... So listen to that and become very clear on your why. 

Now, the next step is just to become selfish with yourself and do put yourself first and know that you absolutely can achieve your goals, but you've got to become selfish in the way that you need to prioritise your life. Make the time for the steps that you need to take to reach those goals. So you might need to start saying no to some social commitments. You might need to start asking for more help with your kids. You might need to carve out that time for exercise. You need to start telling yourself you deserve this because it's aligning with your greater why, which might mean to be more energetic for your kids, which is only going to help them.

In short, with most of what we're doing when we're reaching our goals, the better we treat ourselves and the more selfish we become, the better everything actually gets as well. So I'm going a bit off topic here, but if you start to prioritise your health more and you really put yourself first, then it's going to make your relationships better.It's going to make your energy better for your kids. It's going to make your relationship stronger with your partner. It's going to make your relationship stronger with your friends and everything works in a circle, but I also want to just encourage you to become selfish in the way that you need.

If you want to achieve your goals, you need to  really analyze what you're doing every week and every day to get yourself unstuck and to help yourself make those next steps, because without that, you'll never make change. The only person that can make change in your life is you, and you can do anything that you want, but you do have to become obsessed with your own goals and doing everything that you can to get you there and there's so many things that you can try. 

So they're the first two things that I want to say -  figure out your why by listening to Episode #13: Why Motivation is NOT What You're Looking For. It's This... and the next step is just to become really conscious, reflect all the time and become obsessed with trying new things, working out what's holding you back and making tweaks all the time. How exactly do you do that? 

I just want to recap on what I said earlier in the podcast because it is very helpful to do what I did years ago and make a list of all the things that make you happy because the things that make you happy and that make you feel grounded are only going to make it easier for you to do those steps that you need to take, which are usually quite challenging and stay consistent with them because we all know how it's so much easier to do things when you feel happy and motivated as opposed to feeling low and sad and anxious and upset. So all the things that you can possibly do in your life to make you feel happy, really try to prioritize those as much as you can.

Side note - we all deserve that in life. Life is short and filling your days with things that make you feel happy is so important because why else are we here? So do that and then when you hit a roadblock, like maybe you're there now … start to think about why you're feeling that way. So get a pen and paper out and do another list and just start to brainstorm. What's holding you back? How are you feeling? Try to think of the things that aren't working well in your life. Let's say you're feeling really stressed. Try to think of why you do not like your job? If you've got your own career, are you filling yourself with way too many things and you haven't outsourced or hired staff members? If you're a Mum, are you doing too much around the house? Are you doing it all? Do you need to ask for more help from your partner or a babysitter or your friends? There's so many things that we can do. 

So just start to make a list of how you're feeling and what isn't working in your life and then when you've got that list and you're trying to work out how to change things, you might already know from past experiences of things that you've done in your life that will help you get back on track and turn things around but if you don't and you're feeling a bit stuck, there are so many resources out there for you. 

You're doing one thing right now, which is listening to this podcast. I am obsessed with podcasts. If I'm ever struggling with something, I will always search for a podcast that's going to speak on that topic to me and give me ideas on how I can change and how I can try new things to get me out of the way that I'm feeling. On my health journey, for instance, when I was trying to figure out my gut issues and quit the yo-yo dieting, I listened to so many different health podcasts and I would take something away from some of them and think - yay, I'm going to try that next week and see how I go and it's so good!

The next thing I want to say is to speak to people about it. Speak to your trusted friends, you could speak to a therapist and surround yourself with people that are like-minded and that are doing the same things as you. This is another reason why the Health with Bec Tribe is so powerful because women are always sharing posts in the Facebook group about what they're struggling with and then they're getting advice from other people with what to try, or they're looking at all the other posts of what other people are doing and they're learning new ways to do things. 

Like I said earlier in the podcast, as you're reaching your goals, there are so many different things that you can try because we are all so unique and what works for one of us might not work for the other person and it's all about trial and error when you're reaching your goals. So surrounding yourself with like-minded people is so good because you can chat about it. You can get ideas from other people and it keeps you on track and it gives you ideas to try new things.  

So that's another reason why the Health with Bec Tribe is so incredible, but if you're not in the Tribe, then depending on what your goal is, join another group or make sure you really make an effort to make friends or speak to friends that you've already got that share a similar goal as well, because they will give you ideas too. 

So, reflect always and try to constantly fill your days with the things that make you happy and then when you feel like you're not seeing results in your weight loss, or you're not seeing results in any other goal that you're trying to reach and you're feeling stuck, don't stay stuck. You can totally get yourself unstuck. It’s really important to take that time for yourself, so cancel commitments, block out time in your calendar so you've got at least an hour a day to be present and reflect, or take a bigger chunk of time once a week so that you can sit down and actually write down how you're feeling and then learn about solutions that you can then try the following week, so that you can start to move forward with your goals and you can start to see results.

Look, if it doesn't work, then you go back to the drawing board, you try something new and that is how it is done. There is no one formula that is going to help one person lose weight. There is no one formula that's going to help someone grow their business. We can get frameworks and courses just like I do with my meal plans, but then it is about you trying that and then adapting it to your own life and making it suit you by trying new things all the time.  

I think I've said everything I want to say, like there's so much I want to say on this topic and I hope I've got it all out, but I really hope that this helps you and I really encourage you to become addicted with this topic yourself, so really become selfish and think - what is working? What isn't? Then constantly tweaking that every single day and every single week, because it's not until you do that, that you will actually reach your goals and find your own balance with what works for you and once again, if you are in a rut and you're feeling like you're not seeing results and you're feeling really stuck and you're feeling really unmotivated, this is the best time because you're probably the most motivated to make change, so please take the action steps that I've told you to take from this podcast.

I just want to end this podcast by saying anything is possible for you and big goals and big things take time. So, losing weight and finding a healthy balance takes time. Growing a business takes time. Teaching any goal takes time. So, stick with it! Know that all the small steps will add up. It's always about the consistency that leads to the long term progress and every single person that's achieved something big has gone through so many struggles to get there. They just know that when they hit a roadblock or a really challenging time, they use that as fuel to push through and learn so that they can continue to grow. 

The people that don't get results are the people that hit those challenging times or don't see results and then they just give up and they don't search for more solutions. So anything is possible for you. Every single person that I know that's achieved big things has had insanely hard times in the past, but they have pushed through them and they've learned of ways to get through them as well and learn from them their mistakes too. 

If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the absolute world to me if you left me a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. I'm also @health_with_bec on Instagram, if you want to come over and follow me there and also take this opportunity to start listening to more of my podcasts. If you're new, go back to old episodes, start to really listen to them. The more that you immerse yourself in podcasts, the sooner you'll find your answers as well. I bloody swear by podcasts. I love them and so I guess that's why I'm so passionate to record these for you too, because I know how much they help.


#168: One of The Biggest Reasons Most Diets Fail & My Solution For it - Calorie Cycling!


#166: Rebuilding habits & regaining motivation after a holiday or an 'off' period in your life!